Terms & Conditions
Effective Date: [09.11.2024]
Welcome to GetMyPassword.com (the “Site”) hereby referred to. The Site provides password generation and other utilities such as:
- Password and PIN generators
- Hash-Generators (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)
- Encoders and decoders (Base64, URL encoder)
- Random number generators
- Converters and translators (e.g., Morse Code Translator, Text to ASCII)
- And other related tools
You are accepting the terms and conditions as an entity using the Site and its services.
1. Exploitation of the Site and Site Materials/Content
You are hereby allowed to use the content and materials of the Site for your own non-commercial purposes. You may not change, adapt, translate or otherwise use the materials on this Site or copy, publicly display, reproduce, distribute or repurpose the materials for public or commercial purposes without express written consent.
2. Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights – Intellectual Property Copyright/ Ownership.
Copyright and other intellectual property rights in all the text, graphics, interface and software code on the Site belongs to the Site. Any marks appearing on the Site are property of GetMyPassword.com or its licensees.
3. Liability
No responsibility will be taken by the Site developers for any incidental or consequential damage related to the use of passwords provided on the Site. Use of widgets is not a licence to the intellectual property of GetMyPassword.com website other than the restricted license granted to the widget.
4. Backlinks
Links in the Widget code to GetMyPassword.com site have to remain unchanged and can be found in the Widget code of the website that has the Widget deployed. You cannot remove or change backlinks.
5. Prohibition on Changes
The source code of the Widget is not to be altered, adapted, translated, decompile, disassembled or otherwise extracted by any user except as explicitly allowed by law.
6. Liability
GetMyPassword.com shall not be responsible for direct, incidental, consequential, special or consequential damages resulting from using or being unable to use the Widget on the user’s website. Users are solely responsible for enforcing the terms and conditions of this agreement when using the Widget on their site including all laws and regulations.
7. Termination of License
GetMyPassword.com reserves the right at any time and for any reason to cancel the licence to use the Widget and to remove the Widget from the website of the user.
8. Updates
GetMyPassword.com may modify the widgets at any time (updates, fixes) and may request the users to upgrade the inserted widgets to the latest version.
9. Multilingualism
The terms and conditions are published in multiple languages to accommodate the needs of its users, and if any version differs from the one they were originally written in, the version that was written in the author’s native language takes precedence.